Stratigraphic traps are difficult to map due to the complexity inherent to the deposition system, the subsequent reworking of sediments or the erosion or other controls on the subsequent rock units. Reservoir property characterization using seismic data, by inversion or other methods, provides maps of the reservoir but as these are not uniquely defined. The morphology, apparent facies distributions and derived properties do not always match the actual physical properties for the rocks and fluids involved.
Resoptima solutions
The whole philosophy of the Resoptima method and underlying technologies is to never underestimate or ignore uncertainties. In the case of complex reservoirs controlled by stratigraphy, this will be reflected at every step. Uncertainties will only be constrained when new wells are drilled and bring additional data to confirm assumptions as to effective reservoir properties for different seismic facies.
This is a good thing, because many operators have been forced to make difficult changes to their plans, or see investments under-utilized, for having only considered a single “best model” without a proper awareness of the high risk for reservoir property changes over the extent of even relatively small fields.